Effects of Social Media on Organic Search Results

Posted: 2015-09-29 01:52:01

Social Media effects

So you been working really hard on your digital marketing campaign for your online businesses website. You have gotten some great links now pointing to your site as well as developed some really good unique content. You even found the best SEO program out there at Blackwood Productions. So, what else can you do to help the rankings of your website?


One of the biggest tools that online businesses are still overlooking is Social Media sites, especially those of Google+, Facebook, and Twitter. The Social Media sites are very important (in the order that they are listed) to your websites rankings. As social sites such as these are also now considered ranking signals to Google.


Most business overlook these sites because they just do not have the time to keep them updated. The truth is you only need to spend an hour or so a week for a couple weeks to develop them. After that you can let them lie. But after you see how powerful sites like G+ can be I bet you will not want to leave them alone. If you have some keywords on the brink of hitting first page rankings, then probably just G+ alone will be enough to push it over the top. If it needs a little more help, then throw in the other social media. There are also a couple others you could use if needed such as YouTube, LinkedIn, and Myspace.


Blackwood Productions understands the value of these Social Media outlets. We have actually had a feature for them within your account with us. More and more people are starting to see that we do have a place for you to add your social media site’s URL. By doing this we can add more links pointing to your Social Media which raises the value of those sites which in effect raise the value of your business website because those sites are verified and pointing to your website.


So if you have not yet created Social Media sites to help the rankings of your website then this is the time to do so. Help your own rankings out easily by at least taking the time to set up the accounts and hooking them to your website even if you do not plan on doing anything else with them. Once created do not forget to add the URL’s into your Blackwood Productions account…The outcome may amaze you!

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